Dust Collection & Central Vacuum Cleaning

Dust Collection Systems:

Scorpio will undertake total de-dusting systems on turkey basis including the application engineering, design, engineering, supply and erection & commissioning.

Scorpio will suitably select the duct velocity, duct sizing, dampers, bag filters capacity, filtration media and fan specification for the material being handled based on their experience and considering the standard norms. Temperature rating upto 135 deg.C.

Standalone type dust collectors of smaller capacity and modular type dust collector of larger capacity are available in IS2062 and in Stainless Steel constructions. In-built supports and maintenance platforms are provided in IS2062 construction.

Bag filter is capable of handling up to 50 gm/Nm3 dust loads with guaranteed emission level of 10 mg/Nm3, this bag filter is capable of handling very fine & light dust at low pressure having density is less than 100 kg/m3.

The filter media suitably selected based on the dust being handled, moisture and vapour content.

Filter lengths available from 1000mm to 3000mm based on the dust collector configuration which are long lasting upto 5 years. Scorpio dust collectors are online Pulse jet cleaned type with adjustable sequential timer. Filter media will be Polyester / Polypropylene / Acrylic / PTFE coated with surface treatments of oil/water repellent, anti-static, etc.

Rotary Airlocks with adjustable vane tips are used for dust discharge, designed to operate under higher vacuum. Screw dischargers are used for high capacity dust collectors.

The dust collection system will have its own control panel with suitable starter.

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