For a variety of materials other than and including cement, the port-side dome is a viable, future-ready solution. The Dome structure is the strongest, self supporting design. Originating about 2000 years ago in Ancient Rome, the domes of today, used for storage, take very little time to install. The dome structure is created by pouring the cement grout over reinforcement steel which is formed in the shape of a dome. Inflatable fabric is used to support the re-bar as the grout is poured thus eliminating the need for expensive scaffolding.

Domes are economical for storage capacities beyond 30000 tonnes. Land requirement is about 25% of the land area required for flat storage. Apart from a ring beam and rebar for the diameter of the dome, there is hardly any civil work required.
How to construct a Dome:
Ring beam footing: This is a reinforced concrete ring beam foundation equal to the diameter of the dome.
Air form attachment and inflation: This air form is made of heavy-duty waterproof material and is attached to the ring beam footing. The is then inflated with inflator fans. Free access to the interior of the air form is possible through an airlock entrance. The air form not only determines the final shape of the dome but serves to shelter personnel/equipment during the construction period. It stays in place as a protective exterior cover when the dome is completed.
Foam Application: Polyurethane foam is next sprayed from the interior of the inflated air form onto its inner surface to stiffen it and to provide a secure surface to which steel reinforcement rods are fixed. The foam hardens and creates an insulating layer.
Shotcrete Application: Once the foam is applied and hardens, a framework of reinforced steel bars is placed and is attached to the interior / under surface of the hardened foam. This serves as a skeleton to which the concrete is applied. Concrete is then sprayed through heavy-duty concrete spray guns to the reinforcement steel framework. The sprayed concrete creates an extremely strong fire resistant and energy efficient structure embedding the framework.
Material Dome Diameter Dome Height Capacity (MT)
Cement 35m 26m 30000
Cement 35m 18m 15000
Cement 42m 34m 44000
Cement 56m 28m 50000
Cement 60m 31m 100000
Clinker 62m 31m 75000
Capacities for other materials will vary with bulk density and particle size.
Domes are inert and unaffected by climate. From sub zero temperatures in Alaska to the sunny shores of the Indian Ocean, Domes are designed to withstand the ravages of Mother Nature. Robust composition helps the on-site team control the climate inside the structure while work is underway.
The dome is built in collaboration with suppliers for unloading and loading facilities.
Scorpio BMH is the exclusive representative of Domtec in India and South East Asia, Drop us a line to know more! marketing@scorpiobmh.com